Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference - EPREC 2020, Online. 29-30 mayo 2020
Increasing power demands coupled with the shortage of electricity supply, rising cost of energy, and power quality problems have encouraged utilities to look for better sources of power supply, considering technical, economic, and environmental benefits. The acceptance of distributed energy resources is based on the lower operating costs and easier deployment when compared with the fossil fuel-based generating units. This paper presents an approach for optimization of load distribution between several distributed energy resources. On the first stage, optimal sizing and placement of generation units for reducing total power losses and improving voltage profiles in a radial distribution network were determined. On the second stage, the problem of optimization of load distribution has been addressed using dynamic programming.
Palabras clave: Distributed generation placement; Radial distribution system; Dynamic programming; Backward–forward sweep method; Biomass; Biofuel power; Microturbines; Power system modeling; Alternative energy sources
Publicado en Recent advances in power systems, pp: 39-49, ISBN: 978-981-15-7993-6
Fecha de publicación: 2020-05-29.
I. Diahovchenko, A. Horbul, Optimization of load distribution between distributed generation units of a similar technology using dynamic programming, Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference - EPREC 2020, Online. 29-30 mayo 2020. En: Recent advances in power systems: select Proceedings of EPREC 2020, ISBN: 978-981-15-7993-6